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70 User im System
Rekord: 483
(01.04.2024, 01:34 Uhr)

Dear Friends,

You are my last hope, I cannot find a single link or any advice on my topic. I need information how to construct a vivarium for tropical plants. I would like to grow sensitive tropical plants, like Alocasia, Dieffenbachia, Marantha, Ctenanthe, Aglaonema, etc in my room, under artifical light, termostat regulated temperature and controlled moisture.
I would like to create a vivarium from glass and use hydroculture. Nobody can help, no literature in Hungary. Almost nobody knows about hydroculture. My goal is to establish a system with the least possible care, in order to offer my system to doctors for their waiting rooms, hospitals, hotels, restaurants, etc.

Can you help me? Do you have any literature or advice about this? Do you know any link on the Internet, anybody who is an owner of a well-working vivarium?

Please, answer me if you can.

Greetings: Andras Eszlinger from Hungary
 Re: How to construct a vivarium for tropical plants? 01.07.2001 (11:01 Uhr) Unbekannt
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