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63 User im System
Rekord: 483
(01.04.2024, 01:34 Uhr)

 Re: How to construct a vivarium for tropical plants? 01.07.2001 (11:01 Uhr) Unbekannt
> Dear Friends,
> You are my last hope, I cannot find a single link or any
> advice on my topic. I need information how to construct a
> vivarium for tropical plants. I would like to grow
> sensitive tropical plants, like Alocasia, Dieffenbachia,
> Marantha, Ctenanthe, Aglaonema, etc in my room, under
> artifical light, termostat regulated temperature and
> controlled moisture.
> I would like to create a vivarium from glass and use
> hydroculture. Nobody can help, no literature in Hungary.
> Almost nobody knows about hydroculture. My goal is to
> establish a system with the least possible care, in order
> to offer my system to doctors for their waiting rooms,
> hospitals, hotels, restaurants, etc.
> Can you help me? Do you have any literature or advice
> about this? Do you know any link on the Internet, anybody
> who is an owner of a well-working vivarium?
> Please, answer me if you can.
> Greetings: Andras Eszlinger from Hungary

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